Discover the art of coin magic like never before with Retention Z: Revisited. This comprehensive guide by Zee J. Yan dives deep into the world of retention vanishes, offering a unique blend of technique and creativity.
Inside this exclusive compilation, you’ll find 8 innovative retention techniques and 2 breathtaking coin-thru-hand effects. Each method is meticulously explained, ensuring you master the subtleties of sleight of hand with ease.
Zee J. Yan’s teaching approach is clear, concise, and tailored for magicians of all levels. With over an hour of detailed instruction, you’ll not only learn new vanishes but also gain insights into the craftsmanship behind each move.
What You’ll Learn:
- Different types of retentions – Explore the basics and advanced variations.
- Toss Retention – Master the seamless toss technique.
- Roth Retention – A classic method revisited.
- Coin Through Hand V. 1 & V. 2 – Two stunning effects to amaze your audience.
- Grab Retention – Perfect your grab vanish.
- Gogh Retention – A unique take on a classic vanish.
- Offset Retention – Add a twist to your performance.
- ROPS Move – A versatile technique for any magician.
- Ukawa Retention plus TIP – Expert tips for flawless execution.
- Ukawa Sub. Retention – A subtle yet powerful vanish.
Whether you’re a seasoned performer or just starting out, Retention Z: Revisited will transform your approach to coin magic and leave your audience in awe.
Why Choose Retention Z: Revisited?
Zee J. Yan’s teaching method is designed to be accessible and effective. With detailed explanations and practical tips, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of each technique and enhance your performance skills.
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