Over five years in the works, Tom Gagnon is proud to release the beautifully hardbound, over-sized format GAGNON UNFILTERED. Readers will find 170 items, 1350 illustrations, packed into 500 pages.
Contents include: ZigZag Pass, 12 new Multiple Shifts, Cased Card Controls, Cards/Paper Clip routines, Overlap Procedures, Devilish Switch, Coin tricks, Pool Hall antics, and new Ribbon Spread techniques.
A must buy for those interested in cutting edge card magic.
Just take a look at the massive table of contents!
Preface …Tom Gagnon … viii
Foreword … David Malek … ix
Introduction … Jon Racherbaumer … x
Chapter One: On Card Tricks
Swindler’s Aces …1
Vernon-Gagnon Poker Demonstration …4
Gagnon’s Miracle Aces …10
Hof-Sender Aces …12
An Expensive Sandwich …16
The Forgetful Gambler …18
About Face …20
Chinese Card Spin …23
Punched in the Dark …25
Aces by Weight …31
Electro Static Aces …38
Facing a Swindler …41
Flimflam Transpo …44
Floater …46
The Gathering …48
High Flying Aces …51
Packet Collectors …53
Scarne’s Triple Coincidence Revisited …59
Underhanded Collectors …65
Weighing In …68
A Peeking Intruder …73
Impeccable Change …79
The Wash …81
Umpteenth Open Prediction …82
Chapter Two: On Clipped
Mystery Card …86
Mystery Card Revisited …89
Clipped Sandwich …91
Shorty’s Holdout …93
Clipped Triple Prediction …95
Twice Clipped Improved …97
Burglars Big Breakout …100
Clipped Thought …104
Clip Joint …109
Clipped Transposition …112
Four the Hard Way …116
Easy Rider …121
Clipped Exchange …122
Chapter Three: On the ZigZag Pass
ZigZag Pass …126
ZigZag Insertion Pass …129
Zig & Zag Incomplete Faro …131
ZigZag Top Control …134
ZigZag Bottom Control …137
Zigging & Zagging the Cut …140
ZigZag False Cut …142
ZigZag Undercut …145
ZigZag Aces …147
Chapter Four: On Ribbon Spreads
Sideslip Spread Control …150
TCC Sideslip Spread Pass …152
Sideslip Sandwich …153
Ribbon Spread Convincing Control …154
Bluff Tilt …157
Positional Spread Control …158
One-Handed Versatile Get Ready …159
Gagnon Stocks Erdnase …161
T.G. Ribbon Spread Reverse …164
Revolving Reverse …166
Versatile Spread Holdout …168
Ribbon Spread Addition …171
Slipping McDonald In …173
Undercover Double Doodle …175
Riffle Action Control …177
Misdirection Cull ….179
Chapter Five: On The Overlap Procedure
Overlap Procedure …182
Overlap Procedure Cull …184
Overlap Procedure Peek …186
Getting The Scoop …188
Overlap Bottom Control …190
Overlap Multiple Shift …191
Subterranean Collectors …194
Never Too Late …197
Double-Decker …199
Bill Collector …201
Isolated Sandwich …204
Chapter Six: On Forces
Airdnace Pitch …206
Switcharoo Force …209
Lateral Dribble Force …211
Retention Hockley Force …213
Gagnon Transfer Force …214
Spread Switch Out …216
Brush Force …218
Inverse Handkerchief Force …220
Toss Force …223
Chapter Seven: On Switches
Swindle Switch …224
Fabulous K.M. Combo …226
Shuttle Switch …228
Underhanded Spread Switch …231
Chump Change …233
Gagnon Scoop Change …235
Card in Envelope Switch …238
Double Take Drop Switch …240
Chapter Eight: On Multiple Shifts
TG Tabled Multiple Shift …242
Tap & Square Feint …247
OAATI …249
Four-Flushed Multiple Shift …252
Shifty …256
Subterranean Multiple Shift …260
Swivel Cut Multiple Shift …265
Gagnon’s Shuffle Shift …267
Fan Control Multiple Shift …268
Plunger Straddle Pass …271
Twofer Ribbon Spread Multiple Shift …275
Cops Without A Beat …280
Chapter Nine: On the Jet Stream
Jet Stream …282
Otis’ Elevator …286
Out of Order …294
Three-Point Landing …298
Air Strike …300
Up and Away …303
Stealth Card Stab …305
Chapter Ten: On Artful Dodges
Tap Illusion …308
Tap Illusion Faint …312
Ambitious Illusion …314
Dribble Toss Feint …315
Reverse Double Undercut …317
Gagnon Double Cut …320
Fan Square-up Pass …321
Fan Control Finesse …323
Gambler’s Cop Replacement …325
Mexican Turnover Finesse …326
Heavy Breather …328
Cross Fire Add-on …329
Dealing McDonald In …331
Gagnon Ace Vanish …334
A McDonald Vanish …337
Soaping the Faro …339
Stripper Deck Finesse …340
Negative Reaction …343
Chapter Eleven: On Cased Card Controls
Cased Card Control …344
Push Through Jog …352
Slap Control …353
Gravity Control …355
Cased Clivot Control …358
Top Stock Control …361
Cased Multiple Shift …362
Cased Plunger Location …366
Fan Control …368
Stainless Steal …371
Stainless Steal Reverse …373
Subterranean Crimp …374
Cased Crimp …376
Chapter Twelve: On False Cuts
One-Handed Gambler’s False Cut …378
Cutting Action Gambler’s False Cut…380
Dribble Action Gambler’s False Cut …382
Gambler’s False Cut and Reverse …384
Gambler’s Ploy …387
Razzle-Dazzle Aces …388
Gambler’s Delight …390
Price-Gagnon False Cut …393
Chapter Thirteen: On Trick Decks
Edna …394
Freda …397
Remembering Edna …401
Chapter Fourteen: On The Devilish Switch
Devilish Switch …404
Bedeviled Switch …407
A Devilish Thought …409
Devilish Transposition …411
Chapter Fifteen: On Coin Tricks
Re-Entry …414
Shell-Acted …420
Slow-Mo P&D Move …423
Tipsy Coin Vanish …425
Chapter Sixteen: On Pool Hall Antics
Chalk it Up …428
One Cue …431
A Ballsy Discovery …432
Shot in the Pack …435
Esticmation Aces …438
Stick it to Em’ …441
Chapter Seventeen: On Veiled Deceptions
Veiled Card Steal …444
Veiled Overlap Steal …445
Veiled Reversal …446
Veiled Penetration …447
Noah Smith (verified owner) –
Killer reactions every time.
Ian Welch (verified owner) –
Even my kids love it!