2017 Milbourne Christopher Foundation Award Winner for Mentalism – Annemann Award Winner for Contributions to the Art Of Mentalism. This is a secret the Ted has kept for over 30 years!
This is a LIMITED release of Ted Karmilovich’s Three Pellet Test. For decades, the Three Pellet Test has baffled some of the biggest stars and brightest minds in the worlds of mentalism and magic. The effect is pure simplicity and an outstanding demonstration of synchronicity.
The spectator is handed three slips of paper. The performer also has three slips of paper. They each write identical words on their individual slips. For example, red, white, and blue are written on the performer’s three slips and written by the spectator on their three slips.
They each ball up their slips, mix them in their cupped hands, and drop them to the table. The performer (who always chooses FIRST), selects one of the spectator’s crumpled balls. The spectator then chooses one of the performer’s crumpled balls. They are opened up and the colors match! This is repeated with the two remaining pellets. The performer picks one of the spectator’s two remaining pellets and then the spectator selects one of the performer’s. They are both opened to reveal a match again!
And, of course, the remaining two pellets match!
Showing that is wasn’t just a coincidence, the performer repeats the sequence TWO MORE TIMES using different words resulting in a total of NINE matches!
Things to note:
- No preparation. Totally impromptu. Can be done anywhere, anytime. The papers and pen can be borrowed.
- No marking. No switches. No sleights. All selections are free choices. No forces. Nothing added. Nothing taken away.
- The perfect close-up effect for mentalists AND magicians!
- Over the years Ted has been offered hundreds for this simple, straight-forward effect. Until now, the secret has been closely guarded by NYC’s Legendary Thirteen.
- Booklet, 5.5″ x 8.5″, 18 pages
Included in the booklet are two BONUS effects: Target Coin and Ted’s handling of the Ashes on Palm.
Fans of the Target Number principle will love Target Coin! Six spectators secretly choose one of six coins. One of the coins is different than the others. The performer is not only able to identify who has the different coin, but shows he knew in advance what she would look like!
Layla Hughes (verified owner) –
Simple but powerful.
Owen Brooks (verified owner) –
Perfect close-up miracle.