Written and Illustrated by Steve Beam Hardbound, 264 pages
This is the fourth volume in a series of books designed to provide top caliber card tricks to both conjuring hobbyists and professionals. Proving again that quality card magic doesn’t have to be difficult to be effective, the author has assembled the best tricks from the brightest minds to intersperse between his own favorite card tricks. And these are card tricks that cook!
In this volume you will find more than eighty high-octane card tricks, guaranteed to entertain laymen and hurt magicians. Written in the same enjoyable style that has made best-sellers of the first three volumes, you will enjoy the journey as much as the destination. The card tricks before you will teach you how to milk every drop of entertainment from your card magic. – and learn with examples how you can entertain with nothing more than a deck of cards and first-class material. You will be able to do more than simply do tricks. You will learn to use a pack of cards as a tool to enrich your conjuring knowledge while livening up your every performance.
The author has used playing cards as his tickets to travel around the world. During these travels he has assembled card tricks that are physically easy to do, enjoyable to watch, and carry a devastating impact. Well known among magicians as someone who performs what he originates, he includes his insights into what makes card tricks fun to watch and to perform. These range from the necessary presentational hooks upon which to build your routines to full-blown presentations for the effects provided. When added to the three volumes that precede it, this previously unpublished collection makes this series the source and resource for the best card tricks available today.
“Steve Beam is a very funny man, and Semi-Automatic Card Tricks Volume 4 is a very funny book that made me laugh out loud more than once. To our benefit, Steve has applied his wit to the creation of presentations that accompany almost all of the routines in the book. Generally speaking, sequels never live up to the quality of the original production. The Semi-Automatic Card Trick series is an exception. In fact, Volume Four may be the best one yet.” Michael Close, MAGIC, August 2002.
Hazel James (verified owner) –
The download was instant.
Aurora Bell (verified owner) –
Perfect for walkaround magic.
Isaac Sanders (verified owner) –
A magician’s dream.