Written and Illustrated by Steve Beam Hardbound, 239 pages, fully illustrated
The first two volumes of this series raised the standard for semi-automatic card tricks to a new high. The 120 plus tricks proved that card magic doesn’t have to be difficult to be mystifying and entertaining. They also made the point that easy-to-do cards tricks do not have to be full of dealing, counting, and mathematics.
In Volume 3 of Steve Beam’s Semi-Automatic Card Tricks, you will find more than seventy more of the most lethal card tricks available to modern magicians. The 200 tricks in the series form a complete arsenal for entertaining with card magic. The author has succeeded in eliminating unnecessary sleights and boring process, while adding humorous presentations and entertaining plot lines.
As the author is fond of saying, “A diamond is a diamond, but a well-built card trick is a thing of beauty.” These well-built card tricks are guaranteed to fry magicians and saute laymen. These are card tricks that cook!
“Mr. Beam (editor of the very popular close-up magazine The Trapdoor) is a humorous and entertaining writer, who has a keen eye for picking top-notch material. He is also no slouch when it comes to creating routines himself. The list of contributors to Semi-Automatic Card Tricks Volume III is a who’s who of clever magic folk. If you enjoy card magic and you’re looking for material that won’t bust your knuckles, you will certainly have fun with Semi-Automatic Card Tricks Volume III. (And you’ll also enjoy the previous volumes in the series.)” – Michael Close, MAGIC, October 2000.
Emma Davis (verified owner) –
This is gold.
Anna Barnes (verified owner) –
This trick is genius.
Jonathan Norris (verified owner) –
So satisfying to perform.