STRIKE OFF is a quick effect best suited for online performance.
Easy Made Props
No Difficult handling
NO Time needed to practice and perfect
Only needs Blank Cards… rest is your imagination
Effect: The spectator is show a card with pin number written on it. They are asked to read out loud all the sets of pin numbers. The performer explain that, by the way they read those numbers he is able to get an idea what number has registered in their subconscious mind. Performer shows the card in the camera to give time to the spectator to select one set of 4 digit pin number. The performer explains that he will strike off the other set of numbers which he feels that the spectator has not selected and will leave the set of number which he think the spectator might have chosen. Performer strikes off the numbers with marker and ask the spectator to tell the number they free chosen. When the number is told performer turners the card and shows except for the named number all other numbers are stroked off with the marker.
Performer explains that spectators may think that the markers can be erased somehow, but he proves that all the strike marks are permanent by wiping it on the cards.
Best for an opening effect for any online performance of Magic or Mentalism
Brooklyn Dean (verified owner) –
Jaw-dropping reactions.