Professional Endorsements
Roo has a great knack for streamlining and clarifying coin magic. This routine alone could take you very far, even if you never learned any other coin magic.
Rick Holcombe
If you are looking for smooth, challenging and extremely visual coin magic then look no further! Rooster is not only an excellent technician but he performs his material in the real world for real people. That’s how you know his material is quality.
Myles Thornton
Whoah! There’s some really unique moments in this routine which delivered an unexpected punch! Playful, well thought out and refreshingly interesting.
Lloyd Barnes
An interactive routine with a clever presentation that’s sure to charm your audience. You’re going to love it.
Danny Goldsmith
Liam Johnson (verified owner) –
Totally impromptu and killer.
Peyton Steele (verified owner) –
Perfect for reels and TikToks.
Aurora Bell (verified owner) –
I used this in my last gig.