Here is a brief breakdown of some of the contents:
Tattle Tale – This is a lovely hands off routine using esp cards and a couple. There’s a nice story in the script provided which gives this routine a stronger impact. Peter also provides a “couple-less” version of it.
Sweet Force of Mine – A series of psychological forces applied to ESP cards.
The Book of the Fallen (and other additional effects) – This routine blew me away…in my mind it’s worth the price of the whole book! It’s a super clean book/word/name/drawing dup where they have a complete free selection and you always guess their chosen word.
Trust your instincts 2.0 – A very improved version of a routine in Peter’s previous books.
AWAAP – Well I have to say that this is my favorite routine from the book. A friend from anyone in the audience is called by another spectator and that friend makes up a word (the spectator confirms the phone number!). You’re able to divine the word every single time! A terrific concept to say the least.
The confirmation principle – A very powerful principle that Peter uses regularly explained in detail.
Seven bald keys – Peter’s version of Annemann’s Seven Keys to the bald plate, very ingenious and well structured.
Pray proceed – A very nice quick routine, simple but powerful.
Get busy living or get busy dying – Peter’s version of a living and dead test, very strong.
a couple are handed 5 esp symbol cards each,it is explained to the couple that it is not the conscious decisions a couple make that ensure the longevity of a relationship,but a subconscious connection that the pair shares that is the deciding factor.they are both asked to mix the cards under the table and to turn one card face up and place it in the middle position and square up the cards.
they then bring out the cards and are asked to fan them,when they do the face up cards matches!
they are them asked to turn over each card in turn and they match also!
this effect WILL make the hair on the couple necks stand! the story told with it gave me goose pimples when I read it! I cannot wait to find a couple to perform this on,brilliant!!!
any book,any place,one spectator(selected at random) selects any page then any word(no force) the book is handed to a second spectator(also selected at random) and they also select any page and any word.
they nominate a judge who selects the most interesting word of the two.the judge is then asked to concentrate on the word then the performer reveals the word!
it has been said before and I will repeat it again,this effect is worth the price of the book! the thinking that peter has put into this is unbelievable,it is as clean as it sounds!!
the performer invites a male and a female to the stage,he asks the female to mentally create a painting of a place in her mind,he then asks her to build a playing card in her mind,starting with the colour,suit and then value.nothing is ever written down and there is no way anyone can know what she is thinking.
the performer hands a regular deck of cards to the male and tells him to imagine that the female is screaming the name of her card to him,he it told to deal the cards face down until he gets the feeling to stop and then place that card forward on the table.(performer never touches the cards)
the female is asked to name her card that she is thinking of,she says the “jack of hearts”,the male is asked to turn over his card and they match!
the performer tells the female to reach under her chair to find an envelope,she opens the envelope and finds a postcard…with the place she painted in her mind,and on the back it says “thank you for successfully transmitting the jack of hearts”!!
the is no p..s…no swapping cards,no deck swaps,no touching the prediction under the chair.this is utter class! I have performed “trust your instincts” from symphony of silence and get amazing reactions from it so I REALLY cant wait to perform this!
the audiences attention is directed towards an easel covered with a cloth,a spec is selected at random to be a judge type character(so no info can be misquoted by the performer) the spec is asked to select a member of the audience who is going to provide a phone number to partake in an experiment of influence.
the 2nd spec provides a phone number and HE dials it into the phone and then it is called.the performer explains to the person on the phone that he is going to partake in an experiment,the phone is then handed to the judge who then asks the person on the phone to imagine a book in their mind and to call out a page number and a word.
(this cannot be misquoted as the performer is not the one calling out the info,this is completely bookless and is all done in the imagination)
for example the person on the phone says page 63 and the word is dust,the cloth is pulled away from the easel to reveal the prediction…page 63 and the word DUST!!
and the spectator can call their friend back after the show!
every effect in this book I was smiling to myself as I was reading them but this gave me butterflies just like you get when you drive over a humpback bridge!! ffing amazing this effect is,i wasnt really into phone effects on stage before but this one has changed my mind,there is no special apps,no onstage prompting,no instant stooging and again no preshow.
a ring is borrowed,examined and locked onto a padlock which can also be examined all by a spectator.
the owner of the ring is blindfolded,while the spec that examined the lock and ring is asked to assist the performer to ensure everything is fair and to try the keys.
7 pay envelopes containing keys are laid out infront of the owner of the ring mixed by the helper.the ring owner is then asked to hover her hand over the envelopes and to decide upon one of the envelopes,she selects an envelope.
the other 6 envelopes are opened and the keys inside each envelope are check to see if they will open the lock and prove that they cant open it.
the envelope that the ring owner chose is opened and the key inside is tried in the lock and CLICK it opens!
no equivoque,no switching keys,and envelope choice is a free choice!
I like this one alot,its not something I can see myself performing for awhile but that doesn’t mean it isn’t good,it IS very very good!!
5 cards,4 saying living and 1 saying dead are examined and shuffled by a random spectator.5 random people are selected and the cards are distributed amongst the 5 people.
the performer is instantly able to point to one of the specs and tell them they are thinking of a living person.he then walks passed the spectators and doubles back and reveals the name of a person a lady is thinking of at that moment in time,she is also thinking of a living person.he then deduces the next person that is thinking of a living person.
it is now down to the last two,the performer then takes a white board and starts to scribble on it,he writes childhood memory,missing puppy? woods…rusty?
he then deduces who is thinking of living and who is thinking of dead! as the two specs head back to their seats the performer stops one of them and asks her what she was thinking while up on stage,she says she was thinking of her childhood memory when her puppy called rusty got lost in the woods!
no pre show and the cards are not marked!
ive never done a living or dead test but this is definately one I most certainly will be performing! trust me this will play very strong!!
this is my first real review ive done on a book so please forgive me if its not up to your standard,this book to me is THE DOGS BOLLOX!!!!!! I would seriously give each effect in the book a 10/10,with each effect peter kindly credits everyone that needs to be credited,the verbal subtleties is where the real value lies and with each effect everything is broken down so the explanation is simple to follow!
to be able to have mr bob cassidy write the forward is saying alot,i predict that peter turner is going to be very big,he is a serious thinker and really thinks outside the box,
to anyone that didn’t bother purchasing this then hey your loss!
Naomi Romero (verified owner) –
Highly underrated gem.
Paisley Austin (verified owner) –
Compact but powerful.
Autumn Warren (verified owner) –
A magician’s dream.