aul’s highly thought of small print run hardcover book of 2012 now available as an ebook. 154 large pages, packed with information on the subject matter. Mainly focusing on playing cards but there are also chapters on ESP cards, number cards, alphabet cards, design decks etc.
Yes, some effects are fully described but the book is primarily a great reference source with discussion and recommendations of effects within the various categories of mentalism with cards.
Here are a few comments on the book…
“I’d be astonished if you didn’t unearth some really terrific effects here that have simply escaped your notice! This book is a true labour of love for our art, and unlikely to be challenged as the singular best reference source for its topic. Consequently, I highly recommend it to all serious mentalists.” – Doug Dyment“Any mentalist who is in need for research on the topic of this book – for one reason or another – should definitively get “Mentalism With Cards”. The references in there will ease your work as a matter of fact. A great work, Paul. Thank you for making this accessible to the mentalism community.” – Thomas – Paralabs
- IntroductionPart One – Mind Reading With Playing Cards
- Cards and Pellets
- Frank Lane’s Method of Doing The Three Pellet Card Trick
- Impressionable Mind Reading
- Inter-connecting Sets
- E-Zee Intersection
- Tossing Out Decks
- A Brief Look at Stacks
- Notshy Stebbins by Al Smith
- Other ApproachesPart Two – Predictions With Playing Cards
- Nick Trost’s Cards of Coincidence Revisited
- The Power of ThreePart Three – Rapid Memorization
- Multiple Deck Rapid Memory
- Just One Mo TimePart Four – The Psychic GamblerPart Five – The Spectator Has The AbilityPart Six – Blindfold Routines
Part Seven – Symbol Decks
- The Known and The Unknown
- The Known and The Unknown 2
- Quick Draw McGrawPart Eight – Zener ESP Cards
- Aradia by Peter Duffie
- Update to U. F. Grant’s Una Minds
- Sources For ESP Card EffectsPart Nine – Alphabet Cards
- Alphabet Stack
- By Return Post
- H.E.A.L.
- 2012 Book Test
- Subtle Three Way Force Deck
- Half Time
- Just Dreamin’ by Terry LiversidgePart Ten – Number Cards
- Pinhead
- Medalystic by Arthur SetteringtonPart Eleven Tarot TrickeryPart Twelve – Miscellaneous
- Laws of Order by Dan Tong
- Concluding Words
1st edition 2012, 154 pages.
Chloe Mitchell (verified owner) –
Five stars!