Note: The intent of this ebook is to teach Nique’s handling of using index cards to perform Mental Epic. You will require a verbal force of a playing card to perform the routine exactly as described in this ebook. This is not taught, but sources are cited. You can use any force as a substitute; if you already perform a version of Mental Epic, you can even use what you are currently presenting, but using this method as an alternative.Epique is Nique Tan’s take on the classic Mental Epic effect. This handling uses only three 4×6 index cards and a China marker, but it will play for a parlour sized performance.
The three index cards are folded in half lengthwise and three spectators are asked to stand in the audience. Each of their names are clearly written on the front of each of the index cards respectively, leaving no room for doubt as to which card is whose.
You open up the first spectator’s card (the audience can see the name on the card) and make your impressions/prediction inside its folds, fold it back down and then openly place it to the back of the stack. You continue with the routine as per mental epic, and then repeat the handling with the next spectator. The “right” names are seen at all times when writing your impressions down.
For the last spectator, after you’ve written your impressions/prediction in his respective card, the three cards are then openly placed on your performance table, “tent” fashion with the relevant names showing, as you go through the final phase of the routine with the third spectator. At the end the three cards are flipped opened up in succession, made to stand on the table to reveal that all three of the performer’s impressions were 100% correct.
This is truly something that packs really small, and yet is powerful enough to perform in a small stage show or in a parlour setting. It only takes up as much space as a couple of index cards and a grease pencil in your performance case.
“As soon as I started reading I knew this would be good, as Nique has fully analysed ALL of the problems with Mental Epic. The detail of explanation, and more importantly his thinking behind why he has made the choices that he has are excellent. His handling is subtle and clever.” – Marc Paul“Nique has addressed many of the frustrations that have kept Mental Epic in the realm of mental magic, and has transformed it into a logical, highly deceptive approach that is without a doubt, stunning, modern mentalism.” – Ken Dyne
1st edition 2015, 29 pages.
word count: 6758 which is equivalent to 27 standard pages of text
Naomi Romero (verified owner) –
I get asked to repeat this one.
Ethan Young (verified owner) –
Worth every penny.
Claire Ross (verified owner) –
Reactions were pure gold.