2 Deceptive Card Moves + 3 Routines
TOPSY is a single card force utilizing no breaks whatsoever and TURVY is a single / multiple card control to the bottom.
They both are easy and fun to learn. You’ll be doing these in no time.
THE ROUTINES // by Abhinav
SATELLITE SIGNAL : 3 spectators stop at three random cards (no forces) and send their thoughts to the performer (all at once) the performer receives the thoughts and finds the cards and figures out which card belongs to which of the 3 spectators.
Mr. MIRACLE : A selection gets predicted even before it’s made and then it disappears from the deck and reappears at a specific spot in the deck while the performer is nowhere near it.
WD COMPATIBLE : Two spectators sign two freely selected cards one at a time on the face and back and later it’s revealed that they both have signed the same card.
All the routines are impromptu and are primarily achieved using the two moves in the download. Satellite Signal is intended for a Parlour / Stage (wide audience) while the other two are for Close-Up / Walkaround.
The download comes with an 18 minute long video that explains each aspect of the moves and routines in detail. It is also accompanied by a super short PDF file for further help over the learning process.
Audrey Turner (verified owner) –
Loved by kids and adults alike.
Cameron George (verified owner) –
Instant reset is a lifesaver.
David Morrison (verified owner) –
I had to buy it twice!