From The Notebooks Volume 1 – Mystical Readings features 7 previously unpublished deceptions for the close up magician, mentalist and psychic entertainer. Drawn from the personal notebooks of Luke Jermay from a 10 year period these are routines that have all been tried and tested in front of real world audiences, they are ready made showpieces for you to instantly slip into your performances. These are routines that are best performed for small groups – in close up, walk around and intimate settings. No stages, assistants or massive audiences are needed. These demonstrations are as amazing to a group of 20 at a banquet table as they are a group of 3 in a bar or restaurant, making them versatile and practical for modern performers of all types.
The Tarot Magic Bullet, the perfect answer to those spectators who want you to tell them about themselves. This can be presented as a Tarot Reading or anything else you prefer. You could use this to read their palm, the coins in their pocket or even the way the sign their name. This is the perfect solution for a magician or mentalist wanting to add some mystical flair to their work WITHOUT having to learn complicated systems and all while maintaining the role of entertainer!
The Instant Oracle, an amazing object to keep in your house. Easy to make and costing next to nothing this is a perfect addition to any magicians home or office. A unique story and an amazing demonstration of personal reading! This is a fun, quirky and unusual demonstration that we promise you wont have seen before!
£1000.00 Palmistry Demonstration is the perfect addition to the walk around magicians or mentalists arsenal. Ready and waiting without any additional props this is a killer routine featuring the revelation of personal information from the spectator that will convince them you are a modern mystic of the highest order. Perfect to throw in table side with traditional magic this is a routine that they will keep talking about. Tricks like these separate magicians from miracle workers! Tried, tested and practical for real world performers.
The Mind Museum, we can’t believe Luke sneaked this one in! This has been called revolutionary, staggeringly effective and utterly simple. Luke considers this one of his best creations to date and until now it has only been shared with a handful of top working professionals including Michael Weber, Jerome Finley and Docc Hilford. All of whom raved about its application in performance, reading and demonstration settings. Best of all this is totally prop less will create the impression you know the inner most thoughts and feelings of a spectator and will work in any situation at any time! This is the real deal!
Clearing Negative Energy, an engaging and utterly real feeling demonstration that solves a serious problem for walk around and close up performers. This one will have them thinking your a modern day mystic with magical powers, all while you overcome a potentially deadly pitfall in walk around performance.
The Readers Alphabet is Jermay’s take on the classic work of Webster and DeCourcey. Presented here is a full system for seemingly knowing the personality, mind and heart of random strangers. The structure and application is where the true secrets lie, all covered in detail. Within one afternoon this could be mastered and put to work to devastating results. When combined with the other items in this book audiences will have no other thought that ‘this guy must be for real’ the great thing is this system can be applied to enhance material you already perform!
A Marked Personality, a card trick people will actually want to see! This is a strong, simple and almost self working effect that is perfect for the walk around magician who wants to add some personal emotional impact in their work. A demonstration with a strong climax punctuated with 100% accurate information about a total stranger you simply could not know, all without stooges, preshow work or research. Anyone, anytime, anywhere. Did we mention this is self working? What more could you want?
From The Notebooks Volume 1 – Mystical Readings is a toolbox of ready made miracles for the close up magician, mentalist and psychic entertainer.
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Samantha Parker (verified owner) –
I got standing ovations!