March 2020
Live Sessions Introduction
Session 1: 9.3.2020 – Culling, Dry Hands and Double Lifts.
Session 2: 16.3.2020. False Shuffles, A Card Reverse, More Culling, Book Chat and General Rambles.
Session 3: One Handed Riffles, False Shuffles and and Producing Aces
Session 4: Double Lifts, Faros, Thumb Fans, Performing on Camera.
Session 5: Coins, Rings, Thimbles and Flourishes.
Session 6: Pinkie Counts, Elmsley Counts, Beginners Tricks, Steve Disappears
Session 8: Balls, Coins, Cups, A Bit of Mem-Deck Chat
Session 9: One-handed Top Palm, Erdnase Change, Earick, Stuart Gordon Turnover, Mercury Card Fold.
Session 10: Memorised Deck Magic Discussion.
Session 11: Reversals ( Including the FUTURE reverse ), First Tricks, Deck Switches and What You Can Get Away With.
Session 12: Colour Changes Workshop
Session 13: Spreads, Learning Process, Short Cards and General Magic Chat.
Session 14: Mexican Turnover, Top Shot, Faro, Culls, Elmsleys, Push-Throughs and more
Session 15: Table Shuffle Workshop. Top-slug, Bottom-slug. Push-throughs and Pull-outs.
Session16: Self-Workers Session 1
Session 17: Self-Workers Session and a Ridiculous Routine with Miniature Cards
Session 18: Open Discussion About Tech and Apps vs Sleights. Steven’s Three Top Tricks, and a bit of Pinkie Does It.
Session 19: The Learning Process, David’s Self-Worker, Steve Messes Up and More on Practice.
Session 21: Dancers Thumbs, Gemini Twins Idea, A Little Bit of Coin Stuff and General Waffling
Session 22: Coin Magic Workshop
Session 23: Zarrow vs. Shank Shuffle. A Great and Simple Trick. Mexican Turnover and more chat.
Session 24: Beginner’s Q and A. Elmsleys, Developing Character, Topsy Turnover, Cop, Bit on the Bottom Deal.
Session 25: Steve’s ‘Ace’ Routine, Palming and Other Sleights
Session 26 Lennart Green’s Top Shot Workshop.
Session 27: Beginners Q and A
Session 28: Waterfall Shuffle, Top Change, Hamman Count , Oil and Queens
Session 29: David Teaches Sincerely Yours by Aldo Colombini, Keeping Two Cards Together, Allan’s Car Park Floor Trick.
Session 30: Fork Card Trick, Dealing With Nerves, Deck Flipping
Session 31: Piet Forton Pop-out Move and A Joker Sandwich.
Session 32: Harapan Ong’s Royal Explosion, Wallets, Bringing Extra Cards In, Deck Switches
Session 33: Diagonal Palm Shift and Long Distance Spinner Workshop
Session 35: Lennart Green Snap/Laser Deal Workshop. Side Steal, Diagonal Palm Shift and Culling Tips
Session 35 (Last Bit)
Session 36: Pushing Off Two Cards, Double Undercut Tips, Marked Decks, Card Appearance, False Cuts and more…
Live Session 37: Non-card Session (Mostly): Linking Rings, Palming, Spontaneous Mentalism, David’s Mask, Steve’s Lack of Education.
Session 38: Gambler vs. Magician, Culling Tips, One-handed Flourishing, Muscle Pass Tips.
Session 39: Linking Tricks Together, Routining, Creating Rapport, Getting Break…
Session 40: Works In Progress. Magician Versus Gambler (Harry Lorayne), INverted Matrix (Curtis Kam) and more.
Session 41: Works In Progress: Duplicity (Dave Campbell), Misbehaving (Kainoa Hardbottle), Feedback Session.
Session 42: Do we need many sleights? Cups and Balls Work In Progress and Feedback.
Session 43: Introducing the Zarrow Shuffle. The Importance of Live Practice.
Session 44: Work In Progress: Blank Deck Routine. Group Feedback Session.
Session 45: Revisiting Coin Routines with CJ. Feedback. Tips on The Pass, Q and A
Session 46: Linking Rings Introduction
Session 47: Francis Carlyle’s Homing Card. Q and A.
Session 48: Introduction to the Paddle Move, Opening Well, Tiedra’s Colour Changing Deck Routine,
Session 49: A Zoom Card Trick, A brilliant easy Card Trick and General Q and A
Session 50: Adapting to a Sleight, Bottom Palms, Slip Cuts, Pinkie Breaks, A One Card Vanish
Session 51: Larreverse, Cardini Change, Sybil details and Mem Deck Chat
Session 52: Turkish Delight by Vinny Sagoo with Discussion
Session 53: EUREKA (ACAAN) by Roberto Mansilla. ACAAN chat. Diagonal Insertion Tips.
Session 54: Uses for The Elmsley Count, Bottom Dealing, Maxi Twist Summary
Session 55: The Jinx Switch and Metamorphosis, David Regal’s Romeo and Juliet Work in Progress, More Bottom Deal Tips
Session 56: Discussion on Approaching Practice and Being Overwhelmed With Learning Content
Session 57: Free Turn Pass and Verdnase Break In Progress. Tivo Transpo Brain Melt. Bluff Shift Stuff.
57.1 Tivo Transpo Bonus!
Session 58: ‘Hands Off’ Feedback for Stefan. Greek Shuffle, One Handed Top Palm Tips, Ethics of Pre-Show
Session 59: LJ Hit Double Lift, CJ Chicago Opener, Tom Chest Drive Faro
Session 60: Card Reversal Trick, Slowing Things Down, Jason’s Coin Try-out and more
Session 61: Willy Wonka Card Trick (Scott Robinson), Professor’s Nightmare (Rope Trick) Q and A.
Session 62: Basics Q and A. Running Cards, Optical Shuffle, Card On Ceiling Resources, Pushing Off Two Cards
Session 63: Coin Sizes for Magic, Molecule 4 Flourish, Gig Preparation and Scripting
Session 64: Palm Palm Transfer bits, Pressure Fan Tips, General Q and A
Session 65: Crazy Man’s Handcuffs Sessions.
Session 66: Steve’s Show Debrief and Special Treat.
Session 67: Working With What We’ve Got. Simplicity. Top Change, Slop Shuffle, Powerful Basics
Session 68: Classic Tricks: Be Honest What Is It (Eddie Fechter) More Top Change Stuff. Chris And CJ Share. And More!
SPECIAL GUEST: PETER WARDELL. Structure, Performance and Routining.
Session 70: A Basic Sandwich Routine (Ed Marlo) Q and A, Pete’s Ambitious Card Details
Session 71: Ascanio’s Stages of Practice. Culling Multiple Cards.
Session 73: Feedback Session for CJ. Kainoa’s Misbehaving And Cutis Kam’s Matrix. Chat about practice.
Session 74: One-handed Bottom Deal Force and Switch
Session 76: Live Hang Out From Steve’s Gig (With a Ropey Connection)
Session 77: Fireworks Control (Colombini), Multiple Selection, CJ’s Cups And Balls and DLP/Multiple Shift Tips
Live Session 79: Sandwich Basics and Q and A
Live Session 79. December 30th 2021: Going into 2022
Live Session #80. Fenik’s ‘EZ’ Palm . John Bannon’s Bullet Party Count, Cj’s Reswindled (Wiles) and Dave’s Twister (Kenner)
Session 81: A Ropey Demo of Dunbury Sandwich (Walker, Solomon), Card From Box Stuff. More Sandwiches.
Session 83. Steve’s Simple One Coin Routine. Q and A
Session #84: Marlo Future Reverse, Krenzel Mechanical Reverse, Braue Reverse, CJ’s Homing Card To wallet
Session #85. Up The Ladder Cut. A Bit on The Pass. Ose False Cut Variation.
Session #86. Autobreak. Hammond Flash Change, CJ’s Ramjollock (Earl)
Session #87 Post Covid Chat. Paul Gordon’s Holy Sh*t (‘Demo Only), Weddings, CJ Work In Progress (Monarch by Avi Yap)
Session #88 Steve’s Gig Routines. Part 1. Sponge Balls and Card To Wallet.
Session #90 Steve’s Gig Routines. Part 2. Ring Flight, Coin To Nest Of Wallets, Strike Vanish
Session #91: Steve’s Gig Routines: Card Routines, Moves and Variations.
Special Guest: David Williamson
Session 93. Steve’s Gig Routines, More Cards, Chat About Gigging, Openers.
Session 94: Steve’s Gig Routines. Bottle Through Table. The Best Close-up Trick There Is?
Session 95: Final Load Workshop
Session 97: Harapan Ong’s ‘Perspective’. One handed play colour change offload thing. Another Steve fail.
Session 98. Fourth Dimensional Telepathy
Session 99: Putting Yourself Out There. CJ’s Journey and Magic Castle Audition
Session 101: Live From The Session Convention.
Session 102: What We’re Working On, Imposter Syndrome, Gig Horror Stories, Pete’s Sucker Punch, Steve’s Rings
Session 103: Introducing Card Under Box. Steve’s Gig Debrief.
Session 104: Hangout. One-handed Top Palm Tips, Improv and Drama, Harapan’s Perspective, Marked Cards, Movies
Session 106: Ring and String and more
106.1 – Earl Nelson’s Ring Move
106.2: The Emil Clifton Ring Move
Session 107: Side Steal Tips, One-Hand Palming Tips, More
Session 108: Structure, Cups and Ball. Juggling
Session 109: Steve’s ‘New’ Sponge Ball and Purse Frame Routine. Creative Process. Q and A
Session 110: Random Q and A. Overcoming challenges, failure, convention chat, Penn And Tellar Embarrassment
Live Session 111: Building a Magic Business.
Live Session 112: Cards Across. An Introduction
Live Session 113: Impromptu Magic 1 – Knife And Paper/Paddle Move
Session 114: Memorised Deck For Everyone
Session 115: Impromptu Magic 2 – Ring Magic
Session 117: The Signed Card by Brother John Hamman (Taught by Dave), Plus Bob Reed Bottle Production and More
Session 118: New Year Goals and Steve’s Maldives Gig Debrief.
Session 119: The Session 2023 Take-aways and Pit Hartlings ‘Catch me if you can’, Steve’s Silly Gags and a Faro trick.
Session 120: A Classic Card Trick for All Levels. Dai Vernon’s Emotional Reaction
Session 123: Blackpool 2023 Chat. Impromptu Miracles: Salt Cellar Through Table. Steve Fools Himself.
Session 124: Steve’s Terrible Gig and Review Process. Q and A
Session 124: Steve’s Terrible Gig and Review Process. Q and A
Session 125: Steve’s Multiple Selection, Ball and Cone, Q and A
Session 126: An introduction to the Linking Rings
Session 127: Pre-show general Q and A.
Session 128 : Post-show Breakdown
Session 129. The Miser’s Dream.
Session 130: Coin and Card Under Watch. Shuttle Pass.
Session 131. An Introduction to Metal Bending
Session 132: Quick Coin Tricks
Session 134: The Royal Scam by John Bannon as a Creative Excercise. Digital Force Bag. Chat.
Session 135: Your Favourite ‘Workers’. Oil and Queens, Tyler Wilson’s ‘Running Man’. Toxic Plus
Session 136: Gilbreath Principle, Spellbound Coin Moves, Oil and Queens (Roy Walton)
Session 138. Glastonbury Tales. A Very Magical Moment.
Session 139: Gig Debriefs /Coin and Silk Routine
Session 140: Approaching People for Practice and Professional Performance.
Session 141: Pocket Management, Q and A
Session 142: Gadabout Coins/Omni Switch
Session 143: Post Lisbon Magic Festival Chat and Q and A
Session 143: Out Of My Comfort Zone. Post Lisbon Magic Festival
Live Sessions by Steve Faulkner Online Magic.
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