Do you want to know more about this wonderful tool?
Do you want to learn how to enhance your repertoire and performances?
In “Ideas about Pendulums” I share ideas,premises,concepts and effects that comes from years of trial and error and experience with pendulums.
4th Edition, with updated handlings, photos and videos.
The basics of pendulum work and advance concepts, including one technique to influence subconsciously someone for REAL and force ANYTHING with a pendulum.
You will not only received an eBook with your purchase, but also a companion video with performances and in depth explanations about one new concept about pendulums that you will really enjoy.
With contributions from Rich Hennessey and Mauricio Jaramillo, this book touches basic concepts in pendulums,reframing effects in your favour, how to deal with resistance, performance theories, a new Russian roulette type of effect, a off-beat serial number divination an Supplements, with a LOT more ideas for you
Basic Use of a Pendulum
Chapter I: Pendulum Plus
Pendulums to enhance time based effects
Pendulums to enhance PK based effects
Other Pendulum ideas
Chapter II: Suggestion Force
Thoughts on this technique
Dr. Joseph’s Game
Assassin and Detective
Dowsing Divination
Chapter III: Supplements
September, 2011
Pendulum Which Hand: An idea that you can apply to this popular plot in mentalism. In this case you will not use the “body language” premise, rather intuition and real mindreading.
Dream Suggestion: Let the participant find his dream in a metaphorical and visual way, finishing with the revelation of that precious goal, giving with that a great moment of deep mystery and symbolism
Free Will Pendulum: Deddy Corbuzier´s Free Will Principle meets pendulum work
Pendulum Mindreading: Revelation In an indirect way create the belief in a participant that you can really read minds..
In search of happiness: An effect in where the participant find his happiness via his intuition. Unconscious learning and mystery, batteries not included.
January, 2012
Psychic Pendulum Baby: Be part of a special moment with your trusty pendulum and a prediction piece.
Chakra Pendulum: Use this beautiful stones to create an amazing moment of coincidence.
Ring of Connection: 2 ring, 3 little bags and great mysterious metaphors.
Further References
October, 2012
Tetraelemendulum: My contribution to “Neal Scryer and Friends”. A fun and interactive pendulum piece. Suggestion, Precognition and Reading.
Decision and Intuition: A double prediction effect using borrowed objects and your pendulum
Energetic Pendulum in Palm: Use your pendulum to create nice sensations in your participant
Charged Quartz Crystal: Your participant will find which one of the crystals is the charged one using his intuition alone.
April, 2013
Self Chakra: Teach your participant how to observe his own energies using a pendulum.
Torn Love: Use a real historic practice to create a symbolic moment with torn cards and your pendulum.
Pendulum & CT: If you feel that you need a motivation to tear the billet, use your pendulum and this script!
Body Connection: An interesting and connecting piece of healing Mentalism.
July, 2015
Palm Reading Surprise 2.0: Chiromancy, pendulum and prognostications.
Energy of Life: A pendulum has never been so organic!
Ungimmicked Spirit Pendulum: An isolated pendulum moves; no ideomotor response!
Wallet Pendulum: A simple idea to be always ready to show the power of the pendulum.
My Crystal!: An extra surprise moment for your pendulum routine
Zodiac Pendulum: An amazing two-phase routine using a pendulum and Zodiac cards.
February, 2016
Blessing Stone: A two-phase which-hand routine full of energy, meaning and powerful mysteries
P&P: A fun way to do a Russian roulette-type routine
Cord Pendulum: A simple technique to make a pendulum on the spot in a mindreading routine
E’Wave: An impromptu prediction using the energy of nature
Dowsing ACAAN: A number inspired by the pendulum creates a wonder with a deck of card. My tribute for Barrie Richardson and Rich Hennessey
Propless Suggestion Force: A technique that I kept for some time that will allow you to guide your participant´s decision in a prop-less manner, using ideo-motor response.
ESPendulum Prediction: From my eBook “E5P”, a new fun combination using ESP Cards and Pendulums
Yes/No: Psycards meet pendulum
Conscious/Subconcious SF: An interesting frame to apply in various routines Dual Pendulum
Double Bind: A verbal technique to improve your subconscious influence
I love pendulum work, being that I use much of it.
Pablo’s pendulum book is the most updated book I have ever seen. I have never seen a book dedicated to so much excellent pendulum work; it’s full of brilliant ideas. I love this book so much and recommend it; if you want to do pendulum work, this is the book.
For those of you that have not used pendulums before, it will take you through a journey and open doors that you never imagined since the pendulum is the strongest tool you can ever use. Pablo’s book does all this and more, you will never need anything else.
Great job Pablo, I am in love with this book.
Neal Scryer
Pablo this work is fantastic.
I wish I could express in words how good the work
is but they eluded me.
Your modification on the haunted key takes that
idea to a whole new level.
Bill Montana
Pablo, I may be a tad biased towards pendulums , but without a doubt you have put together an incredible book devoted to this underutilized tool for mentalists.
The variety of effects is off the chart and the quality of the work the same.
In addition, the tips and touches contributed throughout the book are of great value. I hope people are paying a lot of attention to these fine points.
I constantly found myself inspired to create new effects and variations of those included.
To me this is a sign of exceptional work.
Add to this how well the book is written, the quality of the formatting and the inlcusion of so much useful video and
Ideas Vol I: Pendulums is guaranteed classic status.
Bill Cushman
Whether you are new to pendulum work…or an old hand at dowsing…this book has something for all. There are very well thought out ideas and presentations….many of which…will inspire inventive performers to create their own unique routines.
Very well done Pablo!
Rich Hennessey
WOW, I`m in shock!
This is a lot of material, I wonder how long took it for Pablo to put it all together!
If you like using pendulums for some effects, now you are going to love it even more.
Pablo goes from the very basics of the workings with pendulums, to the real work of routines, effects and interesting ideas.
I simply LOVED IT!
I proofread this E-book and really enjoyed it. As usual, Pablo’s work is excellent and very detailed.
I work with pendulums every single day, they really are the most under-utilized tool in Mentalism. Pablo not only offers a ton of real world tested routines but he also includes a video which really makes things clear, specially his suggestion force.
Much success with this book Pablo, I highly recommend it.
Mauricio Jaramillo
Pablo’s perception of Pendulums partially parallel to mine. Largly Pertaining, in particular, to parts in the preface…
(sips coffee slowly)
Pendulums are supposed to move…
That is it’s job. To swing in a direction…
Having heard some performers trying their hand at the pendulum while forcefully instructing the sitter to “keep the pendulum PERFECTLY S T I L L…” and then try to get movement to happen…
Some things just don’t make sense.
Pablo’s thoughts are to have fun and get sitters excited about the Pendulum and it’s job… Which way it will move in their hands.
In THEIR hands.
They can do it because they have a great imagination!
Pablo’s thoughts are inspiring and I’d put money this work become the treatise on pendulums.
Similar to EB’s switchcraf, I can see this work ever evolving and growing and I’m excited to see where Pablo allows it to go!
The only reason a lot of us don’t use pendulums now, is inhabition.
A little bit of Fear… This book can better guide in addressing and overcoming any fears we may have (or think we have) towards pendulums.
And I’ll put money that if you have fun with pendulums and take them seriously, you will surprise yourself.
Thanks for this work on pendulums Pablo… The community will benefit from it.
Meraux Dantes
There’s a lot of talk by performers and would-be performers about how they value propless mentalism and mind-reading.
90% of it is pure laziness: it’s tough to perfect sleights, it’s a pain to create gimmicks, and it’s hard work to reset stuff.
Many of you will be tempted by the apparent ease of Pendulum work and the claims of Real Magick.
Do NOT be fooled!
To say that the Pendulum is hard wouldn’t be fair, but I think many people will underestimate the work that Pablo has put in on this invaluable tool. And if you want the results that those who love and use the pendulum get, it will require some commitment on your part. Nothing onerous… but like all great mentalism it requires an audience and performance… but unlike most mentalism, you will also be able to use it as a tool to get inside your own mind and productively tinker.
If you’re familiar with George Anderson’s, Jerome Finley’s, Richard Webster’s or Bill Cushman’s work on the Pendulum, I promise that you will find inspiration here that will make it worth the investment of your time and money.
Thanks again, Pablo.
Dave Moses
A fresh and eye opening look at the pendulum, resonant effects with powerful symbolism.
What always has excited me about pendulums is you can give people empowering knowledge to take away with them, namely how to investigate the unconscious via ideomotor response… & in the process of doing so sell yourself as a performer in the strongest way possible with these innovative applications.
As many have experienced, the regular use of a pendulum is uncanny and impressive enough; coupled with the unconventional and impactful material in this volume and you could indeed start your own religion (I don’t throw that phrase about lightly)
Gerard Grey
It is gaff-free powerful
mentalism that happens
in their hands…
what more could you want?
Craig Rovinsky
This material is a real treat for pendulum enthusiasts. There are numerous routines and ideas and the included video makes everything crystal clear. I love the haunted key routine. The addition of the pendulum with the key adds many more layers of mystery. Pablo cares about his work and this comes across in the video supplement. Thanks for releasing this material. I look forward to adding some of these new pieces to my professional act.
Chris Deleo
Benjamin Ward (verified owner) –
Highly underrated gem.
Layla Hughes (verified owner) –
Jaw-dropping reactions.