Is the volume that contains his re-writing, up-dating, additions, subtractions, new ideas and handlings of all his contributions to APOCALYPSE over the 20 years, 240 issues!
Plus his changes and additions, new handlings, new ways to present many contributions of others – with full credit to them.
From magic friends who’ve seen the m/s – “Wow! This will save me countless hours of searching.” “Harry, this is a treasure trove of magic/magical material!” “What a job, what a contribution, what a bargain!!” “You should’ve titled this JAW DROPPERS! Volume 2!!”
So to all who over the years longed for, asked for, me to put all my personal APOCALYPSE contributions, new ideas and thoughts – into ONE large volume…you’ve got it!
This is it!
Also included are my Lorayne Storms, Editorials, Ellipses(…), Out to Lunch columns.
Dominic Banks (verified owner) –
This magic trick blew my mind.