At 93 years of age (at time of writing) it is amazing that Harry Lorayne can still elicit statements like “Wow! I will be using your Utility Mixer for the rest of my life.” (Steve Cohen) Harry has been using Utility Mixer for decades and now he shares it with you!
All impromptu, any deck easy to do, jaw droppers!
(Ten routines/effects – plus seven magic-lifetime utility items.)
“You can always count on GOLD in a Harry Lorayne book” (Evil Dan)
“Probably the best writer/teacher in the history of magic.” (Dennis Marks/Tom Daugherty)
Need we say more?!?
Also included: The oLaH Cut (Angle Spread); Great Mate Locate; Try This! (Reverse Faro); Not Out But In-Sight (Setting cards “impromptuly”); Suitable Explored; The Secret of Five (Magician’s Choice & Reverse Faro Ending); Royal Location, Plus; Inside Pocket Load; Really Impossible (Really impromptu set up); Really Impossible TOAC (Spread Control – and Truly Ordinary Any Cards!).
“Harry’s style is like no-one else’s. The nights I spent with his books are among my fondest magic memories. He has given me, and countless others, the encouragement to learn and progress. His knowledge and talent amaze.” (David Regal)
“There’s only one, and that one is – Harry Lorayne.” (Michael Vincent)
Andrew Stone (verified owner) –
Super clean and visual.
Aria Bennett (verified owner) –
My favorite effect this month.