This bundle is designed to give you the tools for delivering impossible table card magic. Bringing together Eddie McColl’s Table False Shuffle project, Table False Cuts and Table Shuffle Effects you will be learn some of the most advanced card handling techniques with Eddie’s soft touches.
Table False Cut Project
In this download, Eddie teaches five powerful false cuts for use at the table. Alongside teaching his handlings of these moves, Eddie also includes some of his insights into structuring your magic. Eddie discusses when to use false-cuts; how to add beats and pauses to make them, even more, deceiving; as well as his thoughts on how to pace an effect to remove suspicion. Learn more
Table False Shuffle Project
In the Table Shuffle Project Eddie teaches how he does Edward Marlo’s ‘Strip Out shuffle’. Eddie has spent over a decade studying Marlo’s Riffle Shuffle Systems and in this download shares his interpretation of this false shuffle. But wait, there’s more. On top of the strip out shuffle, Eddie also includes a breakdown of the Push Through shuffle, and a latter improvement, the Pinch Through shuffle. Adding any one of these shuffles to your arsenal will put you in a great position as a magician and card technician. Eddie then breaks down techniques for carrying out top and bottom block transfers using the strip out shuffle. Read more
Table Shuffle Effects
With these 5 effects you will be able to demonstrate mastery at the table – the effects apply the skills developed in projects above to create visual, elegant and clear effects at the the the table. The effects include cutting to aces in any order named by the audience, tracking aces through a series of shuffles, producing a four of a kind in an impossible coincidence and more. Included in this bundle are two controls that allow you to turn any four ace production in a four selection effect. Learn more
Noah Smith (verified owner) –
Absolutely amazing effect!