In this download, Eddie teaches three elegant passes, giving you an arsenal of methods at your disposal. Having more sleights in your back pocket enables you to use the right one for the moment. The pass is a very powerful sleight and typically one that most magicians avoid for many different reasons. In this download, Eddie teaches three handlings that with practice will give you flexibility and confidence in using the move. These passes are not beginner level moves. Still, with regular practice and handling of the cards, you will soon be executing any of them with ease.
Eddie also includes some of his insights into the pacing of your magic to make things even more deceptive. The discussion covers how to develop/establish moves so that they are less jarring when used within a sleight, what to think about when executing a pass deceptively, and looking at the softness of touch.
Comments from Professionals
“If you are serious about card magic, this download by Eddie McColl is well worth the small price and your time. It’s not a self-working sleight, but these are really great. The professional production showing everything from multiple angles and extreme close-ups is of the highest quality. It’s highly recommended.” – Matt Field
“This is a must for those seeking expert advice on the Pass.” – Tom Gagnon
“The techniques that Eddie McColl employs in The Pass Project I describe as stealth-like. I highly recommend that The Pass Project be an integral part of the arsenal for the serious card worker.” – Howard Hamburg
“I consider Eddie to be one of the best in the world with a pack of cards. It’s no shock that his work on the pass is simply masterful. Learn from a true master of the craft!” – Michael Kaminskas
“The quality of teaching on this download is first class! Eddie leaves no stone unturned as he teaches you 3 fantastic versions of the pass. If you’ve ever struggled with this move you are in for a treat as by studying the work explained you will improve your technique immeasurably.” – John Carey
“Eddie neatly describes and very ably demonstrates some really nice shifts – highly recommended!” – Paul Cummins
“Eddie is a master at the pass and the techniques and tips on this download are invaluable and are gained only after years of experience. The Dribble pass is a thing of beauty.” – Shiv Duggal
“If I had this video fifty years ago, I would not have had to spend puberty working on the pass. Following just what’s on this video will have you riffling and dribbling with the best of them. If you want to learn the pass or polish your existing pass, you can’t pass on Eddie’s ‘The Pass Project’.” – Steve Beam
“Eddie Mccoll is the next best thing coming from Scotland after Scotch Whisky and Sean Connery. In this video, you will discover the Master at work with multi-angle shots and crystal-clear explanations. A pleasure to watch!” – Jean Jacques Sanvert
- All In the Cards Performance
- Dribble Pass
- Riffle Pass
- All In the Cards Explanation
- Combination Pass (my variation on Marlo’s handling)
References on the Pass: Conjuring Credits
This download complements the Classic Pass download. It goes into alternative handlings that make a move more deceptive by hiding it in plain sight.
Running Time: 23mins
Professional Reviews
Learning the Pass from a book is not so easy. The move itself is complicated and getting the timing down is difficult. Having the Pass in one’s arsenal of sleights means you can perfectly control a selection in an impossible manner, and Eddie McColl is a master who shares three Passes and a great trick using them. The moves are oh-so smooth and the covers are excellent. Eddie also includes a feint by Paul Cummins which I’d never seen and which is lovely. If you are serious about card magic, this download by Eddie McColl is well worth the small price and your time. It’s not a self-working sleight, but these are really great. The professional production showing everything from multiple angles and extreme close-ups is of the highest quality. It’s highly recommended. – Matt Field
Eddie McColl is truly a master of the Pass. From the Dribble Pass, Riffle Pass, to Marlo’s Combination Pass, Eddie’s techniques are flawless. The Pass Project, which is Eddie’s new download on the Pass, is well produced, and as always, Eddie delivers the goods. This is a must for those seeking expert advice on the Pass. – Tom Gagnon
The techniques that Eddie Mccoll employs in The Pass Project (download) I describe as stealth-like. I highly recommend that The Pass Project be an integral part of the arsenal for the serious card worker. – Howard Hamburg
I consider Eddie to be one of the best in the world with a pack of cards. It’s no shock that his work on the pass is simply masterful. Learn from a true master of the craft! – Michael Kaminskas
The quality of teaching on this download is first class! Eddie leaves no stone unturned as he teaches you 3 fantastic versions of the pass. If you’ve ever struggled with this move you are in for a treat as by studying the work explained you will improve your technique immeasurably. – John Carey
Eddie neatly describes and very ably demonstrates some really nice shifts – highly recommended! – Paul Cummins
Eddie is a master at the pass and the techniques and tips on this download are invaluable and are gained only after years of experience. The Dribble pass is a thing of beauty. – Shiv Duggal
If I had this video fifty years ago, I would not have had to spend puberty working on the pass. Following just what’s on this video will have you riffling and dribbling with the best of them. If you want to learn the pass, or polish your existing pass, you can’t pass on Eddie’s “The Pass Project.” – Steve Beam
Natalie Lambert (verified owner) –
It always gets applause.
Madelyn Page (verified owner) –
A magician’s dream.