My oh my is this a great ebook! If you intend to earn a living doing magic or if you simply want to make your performances more professional then do yourself a favor and read and study this ebook. There are decades of experience bottled up in its wisdom. And on top of this it is fun to read.
The ebook starts with a superb introduction by Kirk Charles reproduced with kind permission of the Linking Ring. The ebook is edited and illustrated by David Britland with extra illustrations by JAT. And Martin Breese is the publisher. It was also Martin who recorded on tape Billy’s recollections from which this book was largely created.
Billy McComb was one of the world’s top cabaret magicians. He has worked all kinds of venues and performed all kinds of magic and in this ebook he shares some of his many experiences, thoughts and routines and describes how you too can give the professional touch to your act. Being a professional means thinking about your act in a commercial way. Here Billy deals with such points as misdirection, patter, close-up, opening effects, cabaret – in fact a wealth of information gained during his many years as a professional entertainer.
Billy touches on so many varied and interesting subjects connected with show business that it is impossible to list them here. We can promise you that reading about them will be an entertaining and educational experience. In addition to the tricks and routines explained in this ebook, Billy has also included complete descriptions of three cabaret routines used by him for many years. Every nuance of the performance is explained. Not just how you do it but, more importantly, why you do it.
A study of these three routines and their construction should pay dividends when applied to your own act. This is professional magic by one of our most entertaining professionals. Amongst the routines and effects described you will find The Nap Hand routine, the Ring on Stick and Billy’s Bill in Lemon.
1st edition 1987; revised in 2003; digital edition 2010; 100 pages.
Table of Contents
- Contents
- Foreword
- IntroductionWilliam’s Words of Wisdom
- What Are You Going to Wear?
- A Beginner’s TricksMcComb on Patter
- Where the Patter Comes From
- Tape Recorders
- Timing and Pointing
- Keep It Clean
- Learning Your Patter
- Repetitive Gags
- Pinching PatterMcComb on Misdirection
McComb and the Professional Touch
- What Went Wrong?
- Signs of the Amateur
- Knowledge is the Key
- Working Out a Presentation
- The Rice Bowls
- William’s Torn and Restored Newspaper
- William’s Presentation Wand
- William’s Fantastic Fez
- William’s Hot Book
- William’s Square Dancing
- William’s Fizzling Firework
- The Eggs and Glasses Inertia TrickMcComb on Close-Up
- Introduction
- Cigarette Through Handkerchief
- The Shrinking Napkin
- Challenge Silk Vanish
- Oliver Mackenzie’s Drink Trick
- George Blake’s Recurring Card
- Thought on the Pea Can
- The EndMcComb on Cruising
McComb on Opening Effects
- The Six Card Repeat
- Golf Ball Through Handkerchief
- The Torn and Restored Airmail Letter
- Pat Page’s Easy Money
- Leopard Silk
- Just Chance
- The Professor’s Nightmare
- Invisible Card Trick
- Red and White RopesMcComb on Cabaret
- Be Bookable
- Dealing With Your Audience
- Humour
- Cleanliness
- Your Trademark Trick
- The Role of the Compère
- Get Organised
- Learn From Everyone
- Be Bold
- Cabaret Defined
- Contracts
- Travel Light
- Nerves
- Get Them to Relax
- Be Sneaky
- Salesmanship
- Heckler-Stoppers
- Please the Ladies
- What Is Right?
- Comments and SuggestionsThe Professional Nap Hand
- Requirements
- Preparation
- Presentation
- Playing the Hands
- Final Comments
- References for Further ReadingThe Professional Ring on Stick
- The Effect
- Introduction
- What You Need
- Preparation
- PresentationThe Professional Bill in the Lemon
- The Effect
- Method
- Requirements
- Preparation
- Forcing the Lemon
- Switching the Bills
- Vanishing the Bill
- Cutting the Lemon
- Revealing the Bill
- Where Everything Is Placed
- Presentation
- Patter
- Conclusion
word count: 49221 which is equivalent to 196 standard pages of text
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You get way more than you pay for.
Caroline Bush (verified owner) –
Worth every penny.