F for Fiction showcases three astonishing routines that adapt seamlessly to close-up, parlour, and stage performances. Each effect can be performed with a borrowed, shuffled deck, creating illusions so real, they baffle both laymen and magicians alike. This is card magic propelled to its pinnacle.
- Four-Card Impossible: A spectator shuffles the deck and miraculously finds four-of-a-kind using just their intuition. This routine is a foolproof miracle that works every time, with no hints to its method. Perfect for a borrowed deck, it’s designed to leave everyone in awe.
- Finish 52: Imagine a spectator naming any card they choose from a shuffled deck, which is then retrieved impossibly from the performer’s pocket. Even after genuine shuffling and with the deck out of sight, the named card appears as if by magic – an unfathomable feat that defies logic.
- Followers: Inspired by Dai Vernon’s classic ‘The Travelers,’ Ben’s version is cleaner, easier to perform, and features an unexpected climax. With a modern twist, it turns into a dazzling spectacle that seamlessly combines storytelling with advanced card technique.
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